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Debating Club

Course objectives

To develop and improve students':

  • public speaking
  • speech writing
  • rebuttal skills
  • research skills
  • team spirit
  • analytical thinking
  • critical mind
  • self-confidence


Course organisation

  • MONDAYS 5:45-8:15 pm
  • Twelve 2.5-hour classes: from October - February 
  • Classes will take place in building Eiffel
  •  Open to L2, L3, M1 & M2 students with a level of B2/C1/C2.
  •  Subject to acceptance (max 16 students) - See below for how to apply
  •  This class can replace your conventional English UE 
  •  Participation in the FDA Tournament team. Eight students are allowed on the official team, the others participate in the preparation of the debates.


Course content

Mostly a practical course that will include internal debates and friendly debates against other institutions as preparation for the official French Debating Association tournament debates.


The following points will be covered:

  • Paris-Style debating 
  • Debate analysis
  • Roles of the speakers
  • Research
  • Team organisation
  • Case lines
  • Rhetorical devices
  • Speech delivery
  • Points of information and rebuttal
  • Adjudicating
  • Flowing a debate
  • Exploiting feedback



At least two debate performances, one written speech, participation in other class debating activities.



To apply, please email with the following information:


Email title 'Debating Club Application'.


Level in English

Filière and Year

Name of English teacher coordinating your filière if you know it

Mobile number (please indicate if you do not want to be added to the internal Debate Club Whatsapp group). 


Please also include a short essay (in the body of your email, not as an attachment) answering the following:


·  A little about your background, interests, where you have lived, any experience in English-speaking countries

· Why you want to join the debating club

· Which animal you think is 'the best' and why (as many reasons as possible, preferably a mix of sensible and silly, you may justify your arguments referring to science, literature, philosophy, economics, pop culture...)

If you wish to email me the 'animal' part as a 1-2 minute video rather than a written text that's even better!



  • It improves your English.

It trains you to write, to speak, to think on your feet in English. Not wanting to lose face in front of your teammates, your friends and your opponents, is a powerful motivation.   

  • It is fun and often feels great.

Well, particularly when you win…    

  • It pays.

You can get credits for your standard English UE, you will get a few free drinks during the FDA Tournament, and you will start a superb network of debaters from other Universities and Grandes Ecoles.

  • It trains you in many useful skills for your future professional, social and even personal lives. 

Discover strategies to persuade and influence your future boss, banker, customers, girl-/boy-friend etc.