French as a foreign language
French as a Foreign Language: Academic year 2024-2025
Weekly FLE classes (FLE PLURIEL HEBDO)
- Frequency: 2 hours a week over 12 weeks (17:30-19:30 - possibly later). The exact day depends on the level of the student.
- Number of hours: 24 hours per semester (+ 1 hour test).
- 12 weeks in Semester 1: from 30th September 2024 to 17th January 2025
- 12 weeks in Semester 2: from 27th January to the 9th of May 2025
- Level: all levels are offered: Complete beginner - Beginner - Intermediate- Advanced. Students will be assigned a group according to their level in French after an initial knowledge assessment on computer and an hour placement test.
- Number of students per group: 16 students (on average)
- Evaluation: Continuous assessment (presence is obligatory at all classes).
A certificate of attendance can be requested if the student is present at more than 20 hours of class.
- Number of ECTS: 2.5 or 3 (depending on the student's course)
- Enrolment procedure for SEMESTER 2: The pre-registration form will be available from Monday the 25th of November 2024 to Tuesday the 7th of January 2025. Please register below.
LAST DAY FOR CONFIRMING THE REGISTRATION in person in LC350 : 10th of January
Click here to register for the French course: 2nd semester 2024-2025
If you fill it in after the 7th of January 18h, you will be on a waiting list. You will then be contacted only if we have a spot available for you.
Registration fees:
1. If you are a student enrolled at the Faculty of Science, Orsay, on a Bachelor's or Master's course, or at Polytech, Paris-Saclay, please click here:
2. If you are a student on an exchange programme (Erasmus...) organised by the Direction des Relations Internationales et Européennes (DRIE), please click here:
3. If you are a PhD student enrolled at the Faculty of Science, Orsay, please click here:
4. If you a Bachelor's or International Master's student enrolled in another faculty of the University Paris-Saclay (not the Faculty of Science), please click here:
The agreement form "Bon pour accord", which must be completed by the course supervisor, can be downloaded here:
5. If you are a PhD student at Paris-Saclay (but not at the Faculty of Science), please click here:
The agreement form "Bon pour accord", which must be completed by the course supervisor, can be downloaded here:
6. If you are a postdoctoral research, an "invites" student or not enrolled at the university, please click here:
7. For other specific cases - SERP CHEM - GENERAL PHYSICS - Boursiers FMJH - please refer to the course for MASTER INTERNATIONAUX further down this page.
For more information, please contact: or call us on +33 (0) 175316924
Course supervisor: Hélène TUBIANA
1-week Intensive programme for students enrolled on an exchange programme by the DRIE
- Dates: From Monday the 2nd of September to Wednesday the 4th of September 2024
- Registration: only at the Direction des Relations Internationales et Européennes (DRIE) which sends the list at the end of June 2024.
- Open to: students on an exchange programme with the Direction des Relations Internationales.
- In-person teaching: Classes organized at the university (dependent on the COVID situation).
- Location: Centre de langues, Eiffel building, 3rd floor
- 3 levels: Group 1 = A1 Group 2 = A2/B1 Group 3 = B2/C1
- Registration fees: For Erasmus students = €0 (Fees paid for by the DRIE. Internal cost: €900 per group)
A certificate of attendance can be requested if the student was present for over 80% of the class time.
Course supervisor: Hélène TUBIANA
For information, please go to our dedicated page: DIPLOMA IN FRENCH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE - ONE YEAR INTENSIVE FRENCH COURSE | UFR Sciences (
Courses for Masters Internationaux
Open only to students in the following Master's programmes: SERP CHEM M2 - SERP CHEM M1 - GENERAL PHYSICS M1 - LASCALA - FMJH
The French classes are integrated into the Master's timetable.
- In-person teaching: Classes organized at the university
- Location: Centre de langues, Eiffel building, 3rd floor.
- Frequency and times: every Thursday from 16:30-18:30 in Semester 1 only.
- Number of hours: 24 hours in Semester 1 only (+ 1 hour test)
- Level: all level groups are offered (from Complete Beginners (A1) to Advanced (C1)). Students are assigned a group after taking an initial level test and a placement test.
- Number of students per group: 10-16 students (on average).
- Evaluation: Continuous assessment (presence is obligatory at all classes).
- Number of ECTS: 2.5 or 3 (depending on the student's course)
- Enrolment procedure: No registration at the Language Department. Students are sent directly by the Master's course supervisor at the beginning of July/September.
- Cost: Internal invoice (€132.57/student)
Course supervisor: Roselyne DEBRICK
NEW ! Self-Directed Learning Space for Languages
Access restricted to students already enrolled at University Paris-Saclay.
This Self-Directed Learning Space for Languages allows students to learn French anytime at their own pace.
You can ask for assistance and get a tailored program. A teacher is available to assist you every Wednesday between 16:30 and 18:30.
In this space, you will find :
- A Study corner:
- 12 computers are available with the software REFLEX to learn French (from Beginnerd Level to Advanced and Professional Level)
-Rosetta Stone method to learn 24 languages
- Textbooks work on grammar, vocabulary, verbs, conjugation, phonetics (lessons, exercises with answers) to prepare for certifications: TCF - DILF - DELF - DALF - ...)
- A Reading corner:
- Classic novels in French and easy-reading novels (for beginners and intermediate students)
- "Sciences et vie" magazines, "l'ACTU" and "L'ECO" newspapers
- A Cinema corner
- Several DVDs in French are available.
The equipment of the Self-Directed Learning Space for Languages is only for use in Room LC350.
Located in room LC350 alongside the FLE Administration Office, on the 3rd floor, Eiffel Building, the opening hours are the same as the FLE Administration office.
For more details about the location of LC350 and The FLE administration Office, scroll down to LOCATION on this page.
All FLE classes are held in our Language Centre located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the new CentraleSupelec building (Bâtiment Eiffel – 8-10 rue Joliot Curie, Gif-sur-Yvette).
FLE Administration Office
Office: LC 350 (3rd floor, in the hall, in the center part, behind the blue cublicles)
Centre de Langues Mutualisé
Bâtiment Eiffel
8-10 rue Joliot-Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Monday : 9:45 – 13:00 and 16:15 – 18:30
Tuesday: 9:45 – 11:45 and 13:15 – 17:45
Wednesday and Thursday: 9:45 – 13:00 and 13:45 – 18:30
Friday: 9:45 – 14 :00
How to reach the campus:
Centre de Langues Mutualisé, Bâtiment Eiffel, 8-10 rue Joliot-Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette.,2.16754,16z?hl=fr
- From the Orsay Campus:
Line 7
Orsay Campus: “RER Orsay” / “Château” / “Launay” → Direction “Corbeville – Plateau du Moulon”
Get off at the bus stop: “Université Paris-Saclay”
Timetable :
- From RER B Le Guichet → Direction “Gare de Jouy-en-Josas”:
Line 9
Get off at the bus stop: “Moulon”
- From RER B / RER C Massy-Palaiseau → Direction “St Quentin-en-Yvelines”:
Bus express 91.06 B (Albatrans)
Get off at the bus stop: “Moulon”
- From Gif RER B station
Line 11 Bus stop Centralesupelec